Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Example of play - Part 1

It would take forever to show off this game in it's entirety, so I will spend the next few updates showing off how the early game is played.  I'm playing with the University faction.

(Ignore the title, it's the name of the Expansion, which Ill go into later)

After makign planetfall, I have two Colony Pods and a single 1-1-1 Scout Patrol  (Those numbers mean   Offensive power/Defensive Power/Movement)

The University gets a free bonus tech on Turn 1. I always go with Bioengineering. This tech allows me to build Recyclign tanks, which gives me 1 of every resource.  I try to build one of these first in every base.

As you can see, we are on the northern end of a landmass, not near any other players for the moment.  I'll go ahead and set up my main base, University Base.

Opening the base window, I can set which squares I want to pull resources from. I can extract from 1 square per 10k people. I have a Scout patrol ready to go below. Every base starts with 10 material points for building. Since exploration is more inportant early on, I leave this be and will work on making a Recycling Tanks next.

Over the next few turns I explore and find a good spot for my second Colony Pod/ You see little pods ont he ground? These contain a random item, from credits to a land rover!

My early exploration is underway and I'm off to a good start.


  1. This kinda looks like a really cool version of sim city xD defiantly something to look into!

  2. I've played it before! Great game...

  3. Never happened to play Alpha Centauri though i'm a fan of Civ series, I deffinetelly must check it.
