Monday, May 30, 2011

Example of Play Part 4

God Dammit

I spent too much time focusing on expansion to get this first.
The Human Genome Project would have been perfect for me, since the Talents (super productive citizend) would have counteracted the Drones.

However the same turn I get a very important tech:

Ind. Automation is a very useful early tech. As you can see it offers up quite a few benefits. The ones that interest me are the Social Engineering change to Wealth and:

 Supply Crawlers: these little babies  can do three things: Transport a resource from 1 square, transport mateirals from one base to another, or be used to pay for secret projects like Alien artifacts.

Wealth allows me to make more energy per base and lower production costs of built items and facilties, at the cost of morale for my troops.

Now back to further expansion: the fungus I have ignored down south has been causing problems, spawning lifeforms. The fungal launchers can attack cities from afar and blow up square improvements. They need to be taken down.

While land units threaten my cities.